GMOs: ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH and POLITICS (updated April 2023)
Biotechnological Solutions
Next biotechnological plants for addressing global challenges: The contribution of transgenesis and new breeding techniques
Agnès E Ricroch, Jacqueline Martin-Laffon, Bleuenn Rault, Victor C Pallares, Marcel Kuntz
New Biotechnology, 2022, 66:25-35
Worldwide CRISPR patent landscape shows strong geographical biases
Jacqueline Martin-Laffon, Marcel Kuntz , Agnès E. Ricroch
Nature Biotechnology, June 2019
Challenges facing European agriculture and possible biotechnological Solutions
A. Ricroch, W. Harwood, Z. Svobodová, L. Sági, P. Hundleby, E.M. Badea, I. Rosca, G. Cruz, M.P. Salema Fevereiro, V. Marfà Riera, S. Jansson, P. Morandini, B. Bojinov, S. Cetiner, R. Custers, U. Schrader, H-J. Jacobsen, J. Martin-Laffon, A. Boisron, M. Kuntz
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology
Scientific assessments of GMOs

Assessing the Environmental Safety of Transgenic Plants: Honey Bees as a Case Study. A. Ricroch, S. Akkoyunlu, J. Martin-Laffon, M. Kuntz. Advances in Botanical Research (M. Kuntz, Ed.), vol.86, 2018
Looking back at safety assessment of GM food/feed: an exhaustive review of 90-day animal feeding studies. Agnès E. Ricroch, Audrey Boisron, Marcel Kuntz
International Journal of Biotechnology, vol.13 (4)
Plant Biotechnology. Experience and Future Prospects.
Agnes Ricrock, Surinder Chopra, Shelby Fleischer (Eds.). Springer 2014.
284 pages written by 34 authors, including ( (
Chap. 9. Is it possible to overcome the GMO controversy? Some elements from a philosophical perspective. M. Kuntz
Ricroch AE, Bernheim A, Snell C, Pascal G, Paris A and Kuntz M (2013) Long-term and multigenerational animal feeding studies. In Animal nutrition with transgenic plants (Flachowsky G, ed.) CABI biotechnology series, pp. 112-129
Ricroch AE and Kuntz M (2013) Evaluation of genetically engineered crops using proteomics. In: Proteomics in Food. Principles and applications (Toldra F. and Nollet LML., eds) Springer, pp.503-514
Is it Time to Adjust the Current Regulatory Risk Assessment for GM Food and Feed?
(by M. Kuntz & A. Ricroch, ISB News Report , Feb. 2012)
No long term effects of GM diets (by C. Snell, A. Bernheim, JB. Bergé, M. Kuntz, G. Pascal, A. Paris, A. Ricroch, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2012)
GM food safety confirmed by large scale profiling (by A. Ricroch, JB. Bergé & M. Kuntz, Plant Physiology, 2011)
Many women, no CRY: on false allegations on GMO CRY protein in women's blood
Political mistreatment of scientific data by European governments
Glyphosate, separating the Wheat from the Tares, M. Kuntz, Dec. 2020, Fondapol.
The GMO case in France: Politics, lawlessness and postmodernism. GM Crops & Food 5:3, 163-169; July/August/September 2014
France fails science test (by M. Kuntz, John Davison & Agnes E. Ricroch. Cosmos Magazine February 2014)
MON810 ban cancelled in August 2013 : an Open Letter of French scientists to government
Who wrote the Emergency Measures Document for the GMO MON810 maize? (by John Davison)
What the French ban of Bt MON810 maize means for science-based risk assessment (by Marcel Kuntz,John Davison & Agnès E Ricroch, Nature Biotechnology, June 2013)
Is the Suspension of MON810 Maize Cultivation by Some European Countries Scientifically Justified? (by A. Ricroch, JB. Bergé & M. Kuntz, ISB News Report, Apr. 2010)
Is the German suspension of MON810 maize cultivation scientifically justified? (by A. Ricroch, JB. Bergé & M. Kuntz, Transgenic Research, 2010)
How German and French governments have deliberately commissioned biased reports
The circumstances surrounding the French Government’s decision to ban MON810
Postmodernist ideology and GMO opponents' strategies analyzed
Technological Risks (GMO, Gene Editing), What Is the Problem With Europe? A Broader Historical Perspective.
Marcel Kuntz
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 09 November 2020 |

The Séralini affaire: the dead-end of an activist science, M. Kuntz, Sept. 26, 2019, Fondapol
The ethical concerns about transgenic crops. A. E. Ricroch, M. Guillaume-Hofnung, M. Kuntz. Biochemical Journal, 2018,
Science and Postmodernism: From Right-Thinking to Soft-Despotism. Trends in Biotechnology, 35(4) April 2017, 283-285
Precaution: Risks of public participation. Science 355 (6325), p.590, February 9, (2017)
Scientists should oppose the drive of postmodern ideology, Trends in Biotechnology (2016)
“Parallel science” of NGO advocacy groups: How post-modernism encourages pseudo-science. (article published by Genetic Literacy project)
The spread of parallel “science”: the example of the journal (Environmental Sciences Europe) chosen by Séralini to republish his retracted paper.
The postmodern assault on science. If all truths are equal, who cares what science has to say? (published by EMBO Reports).
Why the postmodern attitude towards science should be denounced (published by EMBO Reports)
A European Environment Agency report infiltrated by 'green' ideology
Destruction of public and governmental experiments of GMO in Europe (GM Crops & Food, 2012)
Science and false science (environmentalists creating their own parallel "science")
Anti-GMO vandalism against academic laboratories
"Hidden GMOs" : anti-GMO campaigners change target but not strategy
Coexistence or ideological confrontation?
Honey-free Europe (by John Davison)
Commissioner John Dalli's GM-crop Non-Coexistence Proposals (by John Davison)
A Plea for the Renewal of the ISBR. G. Tagliabue, M. Kuntz, H. I. Miller, K. Ammann. Trends in Biotechnol. Available online 14 November 2017
Editing EU legislation to fit plant genome editing. EMBO Reports, online Sept. 14th, 2016
(by A. Ricroch, K. Ammann, M. Kuntz)
Decades-old GMO regulation unfit for 21st century (article in Euractiv with K. Ammann)
European GMO regulation needs to be rethought from scratch
(article in The Parliament Magazine)
Also recommanded:
The GMO Crop (mis)Information Page